It's been a long time since I've updated! B is now 9 months old! My kids and I went and visited him and his siblings and mama last weekend. It was great seeing them! B was so much fun, bouncing around and all excited when we were "talking". He's precious and I absolutely love being able to see him with his family!
AND for some big news......
I'M PREGNANT! (again!) This time its mine and my husbands, and we are so excited that we are adding our 3rd (and last) little one to our family!
I'M PREGNANT! (again!) This time its mine and my husbands, and we are so excited that we are adding our 3rd (and last) little one to our family!

We weren't exactly planning on it, be we are soon going to be a family of five! We found out baby is a boy, and have decided on the name Thomas Charles after both grandfathers.
I still hope and plan to carry B's little sibling, but that will be after I take a good, healing bit of time off from pregnancy.
This is how we announced our family would be growing by two feet!