Monday, January 23, 2012

The starting point

When I first heard about surrogacy, I was intrigued. After my pregnancy with my daughter, Olivia, the thought entered my mind that maybe it would be something I could do. I never persued it, it was just a thought. After my second child, Conner, was born, I started thinking about it again. He is now 8 months old, and my husband Mike and I have decided we are going to do this. I feel like is is part of God's plan for my life. Last night Mike and I made notes of questions to ask, concerns, etc, and today we met with the president of an agency in Houston. After our meeting, we knew it was something we are going to try to do. Having no personal experience with infertility, I know that I don't truely "understand" or "relate" to those that do, yet I can only imagine the pain. I know this will be a blessing. I also feel I'm a great candidate for this seeing as I really enjoyed my pregnancies for the most part. I'm very excited to see what is to come this year. Our next steps are to continue getting some of the technical (ie paperwork) stuff taken care, and as of today, to start the process of being matched to a couple seeking a surrogate.


  1. I believe that since you feel that this is God's plan for your life He made a way that you would never go through infertility so that you would bless someone that is going through it. What an amazing gift you are about to give to someone else!!

  2. I just realized I put after I had Olivia I never pursued anything. I did make some contact with agencies then but it didnt go very far and I didnt really research much yet. At the time I thought the process was to contact agencies for information, but now I know it is research, research some more, then pick one agency to talk to. Also, one of the agencies was really wanting to talk me into "traditional surrogacy" (using my egg) so I lost interest... then got pregnant with Conner soon after.
    Thanks for your kind words Michelle! I believe the exact same thing :) God's plan!
