Wednesday, September 5, 2012

rancho grande!

Last week was our first OB appointment! K was able to drive down and Denise and Wendy from the agency also met us there. K arrived into town a little earlier than expected so she met me at my house (I was waiting for my hibernating bear to wake up) and then we went to eat. My mom met us at my favorite Mexican restaurant Rancho Grande and we all ate and mom took the kids with her afterwards. We also got to see some wonderful friends while we were there too! K loved the food and has been craving it, and after talking to her again today so am I!
We got to the doctor's office and I started filling out all the wonderful paperwork, then we were called back. The nurse had a ton of medical questions for myself and K. Once the doc came in, he had some more questions for us and we got to discuss some things with him. Then was the fun part- the sonogram! We weren't expecting to do one but since there had been some fluid noted in the last ultrasound he went ahead and did another. The baby had clearly done some growing and developing in the week and half or so since the first ultrasound! He/she was wiggling around and dancing for us. Over all the appointment went well although there were some overwhelming moments. He discussed different invasive tests that we are already certain we aren't going to do. Also talking about the risks involved with a VBAC was a bit scary. He does do them in the right circumstance, and says the risk of uterine rupture is .8%, but when it does happen it can be a very bad situation. I'm not sure where I stand on that now but I think I am more comfortable with a repeat C section than I was before! I just want to do whats best for the baby and myself.
In other news, I've been going to the lab once a week to have my hormone levels checked in order to start weaning me off the meds. Last week I switched from three pills daily of estrogen, down to two. And today I got to go down to one pill daily of estrogen, AND from 1.5mL to 1mL of progesterone injections! yay!! my hips will be so happy with my smaller injection tomorrow! Although strangely I was a little nervous this time when I was told to go down on the meds. I think I've considered them my safety to keeping things going right, but obviously the doctor is reviewing my labs and my body must be taking over the hormones so the artificial ones aren't going to be necessary. So now that I've thought about that, I'm less nervous and super excited to be moving past the meds part of this soon!
Our next appointment will be September 28th, at 13 weeks (yay, second trimester time!)

Things I've been craving the last couple weeks:
Iraqi bread, and now Rancho Grande salsa!!

How I've been feeling:
TIRED! very tired! Much like the first trimester of my pregnancy with Conner. Could also have something to do with my rambunctious duo!

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